Adopt-A-Stop Program

Is there a bus stop in your community that you’d like to give some extra care and attention? Consider adopting a stop.

Caring for our environment takes teamwork

Bus shelter

If you’re part of a business or community group, you can help make a difference through TriMet’s Adopt-A-Stop Program.

We have close to 7,000 bus stops in our transit system, and while we do our best to stay on top of litter and vandalism, it’s a huge task to accomplish. When civic-minded businesses or organizations volunteer to help us maintain litter-free bus stops, they help make the Portland area a better place to live and work for everyone.

How it works

By adopting a bus stop, a business or organization (such as a community group, church or school) agrees to keep a stop (or stops) litter-free. If you’re part of a group interested in adopting a stop for at least one year, here’s how you can help:

  • Have a designated representative of your group contact us about the bus stop or stops your group wants to adopt.
  • We’ll provide you with trash receptacles for the stops you adopt. You provide the trash bags, pick up litter and empty the receptacles when they get full.
  • As a thank you for your efforts, we’ll put up a plaque at each location acknowledging your group as the bus stop sponsor.

Contact us

If your group is ready to start making a contribution to the community, you can contact us by emailing or by calling 503-238-RIDE (7433).