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Bulk Card Management Tips and Tricks


  1. Your list of participants, including information about current pass status, is available as a report. Simply email hopoutreach@trimet.org. We will then prepare the report as an excel file and deliver to you the next business day.

    Excel sheet Excel sheet


  2.  Once you have the file, you can use filters on your spreadsheet software (such as Excel) to narrow down the card list to what you need to manage your account. Some examples of ways you might want to filter include:

    Data Tab and Filter on Excel Spreadsheet Data Tab and Filter on Excel Spreadsheet

    1. Passes on cards, including type of pass, number of passes, and valid dates of passes
    2. Cards that are blocked (listed as lost or stolen)
    3. Order cards alphabetically or by employee ID

    Excel sorting dialog box Excel sorting dialog box


    Spreadsheet sorted by passes loaded Spreadsheet sorted by passes loaded


  3. Once you have the cards you need listed, simply copy and paste your selection from the spreadsheet into the “search” function on the Manage Cards page of your institutional Hop account. Card numbers must be 16 digits (uninterrupted) and have one space between them. (i.e:1122334455667788 1122334455667788). This allows you to perform tasks in bulk such as adding passes, blocking or unblocking cards, or returning passes on universal pass accounts. Unfortunately, you are not able to remove cards in bulk. If you do need to remove more than 20 cards, please submit a spreadsheet of card numbers you’d like to remove to hopoutreach@trimet.org, and we will be happy to assist.

    Manage Cards screen with multiple Hop card numbers Manage Cards screen with multiple Hop card numbers

    You are able to load passes in bulk, however, please limit your selection to 2000 cards at a time. When you paste your cart selection into the search bar, the website will freeze up a bit. Don’t worry, this is normal, though a bit inconvenient. If you have any blocked cards in your selection, when you try to add passes the website will indicate to you which cards are blocked, however you will not be able to complete the pass load until the blocked cards are removed from your selection.

    It takes roughly 1 minute per 100 cards. 2000 cards takes about 20 minutes.


If you have any questions or would like a walkthrough on how to perform these actions to manage your account, please email hopoutreach@trimet.org and we will be happy to help you in any way you need.



