JARC Principles

Seven principles guide program planning, development, and project selection for the Portland Regional JARC Program.

  1. Improve Access to Jobs: Improve access for eligible low-income individuals to industries and geographic areas that provide entry-level job opportunities.
  2. Improve Access to Job-Related Support Services: Improve access to job-related support services such as education, vocational and skills training, and child-care.
  3. Regional Coordination: Take a coordinated regional approach, bringing together the regional public transportation agency, community-based, and alternative transportation providers, human services agencies, employment and training programs, employers, transportation associations, and other stakeholders in a collaborative process. Make best use of existing resources and services, leverage JARC funds whenever possible, and target JARC-funded services to address priority needs.
  4. Provide Appropriate Transportation Options: Address travel needs at times of day and on days of the week that correspond with entry-level employment opportunities. Services such as travel training enable people to find transportation solutions even if their needs change in the future. A network of services may offer alternatives and options to address identified needs.
  5. Use Resources Effectively: Be cost-effective in service design and delivery in order to provide the maximum levels of transportation and related support with the program resources available.
  6. Accessibility For People With Disabilities: Assure that the program, as a whole, includes and takes account of service choices that are accessible for people with disabilities.
  7. Regional Planning Framework: The JARC program plan is one component of the Coordinated Transportation Plan for the greater Portland region. As such, the plan is a part of the region's broader strategy to invest in and manage the multi-modal transportation network as guided by Metro's Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). The Portland Regional JARC Plan acknowledges the contribution of public and alternative transportation programs in pursuing the broader mobility goals of the region.