About OpenTripPlanner
OpenTripPlanner (OTP) is an open source, multimodal trip planning system collaboratively developed by a team from across the world, and initially coordinated by OpenPlans and TriMet. The OTP Project was first funded through a Metro 2009–2011 Regional Travel Options Grant.
OTP Tools and Deployments
Conveyal, a small company focused on software development and data analysis for the public transit sector, has developed and deployed open source and open data OTP‐based tools that provide functionality in addition to trip planning. These tools include:
- GTFS (General Transit Feed Specification) Data Manager, which allows transit agencies to manage, edit, validate and deploy GTFS data
- Modeify, a platform for intermodal commuter engagement to promote commuter behavior change and improve outcomes for travelers, employers, and transportation demand management (TDM) providers.
- Conveyal Analyst, which is used for analyzing transit planning impacts on various demographic groups; current and future scenario planning; traffic modeling; data modeling; and public outreach.
- Field Trip and Call-Taker Applications, which are robust, integrated, and personalized trip planning and group scheduling for transit customer service.