Sponsorship Program

For more than 50 years, TriMet has provided public transit service in the Portland metro area. Our transportation options connect people with their community while easing traffic congestion and reducing air pollution — making our region a better place to live.

TriMet contributes to the vitality of our region by sponsoring community events as an integral part of the communities we serve. We support events that encourage transit ridership, benefit the public, engage a diversity of residents and businesses, address inequities and inspire inclusivity and innovation. Additionally, marketing trade partnership arrangements may be negotiated separately with the TriMet Marketing Department.

How we select sponsorships

Sponsorship requests will be evaluated according to their alignment with TriMet’s Vision, Mission and Values and Business Plan Goals. Key criteria include:

  • Encouraging and generating transit ridership. TriMet will give preference to sponsorships that promote “taking TriMet” via the organization’s communication channels and/or event-related marketing utilizing statements provided by TriMet
  • Supporting diversity, equity and inclusion
  • Providing multi-pronged engagement between TriMet and the communities we serve
  • Public acknowledgement of TriMet’s support, to an extent commensurate with the level of the sponsorship. TriMet may negotiate in consideration of the sponsorship level and benefits offered

Special consideration will be given to:

  • Organizations and activities led by culturally-specific community-based organizations and historically underserved communities
  • Emerging organizations and new events


Organizations requesting sponsorships must:

  • Provide documentation of tax-exempt status
  • Operate in service of businesses and residents in Clackamas, Washington and/or Multnomah counties

Sponsorship funds can’t be used to support political campaigns, committees or lobbying groups.

Sponsored events must be open to the public, with expected attendance of 1,000 or more.

Sponsorship amounts

TriMet endeavors to spread limited sponsorship dollars across many deserving organizations and the communities they serve.

Recipients will receive no more than one sponsorship per fiscal year (July to June). Recipients should not construe an award in one year as a promise for subsequent sponsorships.

Maximum sponsorship awards are typically $5,000 with the majority awarded within the range of $500–$1,000.

Application and selection

Organizations may submit their sponsorship application up to 12 months in advance of the start date of their event, but no later than 60 days before the start date of their event.

TriMet’s cross-departmental committee reviews sponsorship applications on a bi-monthly basis.

Please complete the Event Sponsorship Request Form below. We’ll respond to you within 15 business days. Be sure to attach any additional sponsorship materials in the form.


Sponsorship Request Form